My Brain
My Brain

Moving a commit

What if you commit a change, and then realize that you committed to a different branch? How can you change that? This is what this tutorial covers.

Moving the latest commits to an existing branch

To do this, type:

git reset HEAD~ --soft
  • Undoes the last commit, but leave the changes available.
git stash
  • Records the state of the directory.
git checkout name-of-the-correct-branch```

- Switches to another branch.

git stash pop
  • Removes latest stashed state.
git add .
  • Or try adding individual files.
git commit -m "your message here"
  • Saves and Commits the changes.

Now your changes are on the correct branch

Moving the latest commits to a new Branch

To do this, type:

git branch newbranch
  • Creates a new Branch. Saving all the Commits.
git reset --hard HEAD~n
  • Move master back by n commits. Remember, these commits will be gone from master
git checkout newbranch
  • Goes to the branch you created. It will have all the commits.

Remember: Any changes not committed will be LOST.
