Destructuring - Spread - Rest
Object Destructuring
Given the following object:
const person = {
name: "Andrew",
age: 16,
hobby: "hockey,
instead of accessing the keys like this:
const name =;
const age = person.age;
const hobby = person.hobby;
We use object destructuring in this way:
const { name, age, hobby } = person
We can also access just one of the keys:
const { hobby } = person
If we try to access an nonexisting key we get undefined
for that one:
const { hobby, something } = person
// hockey undefined
If the variable has been defined before, rename the one being de-structured:
const hobby = 'tennis'
const { hobby: hobbyTwo, age, hello }
Array Destructuring
Given the following variable
const elements = ["this", "is", "an", "array"]
To destructure, instead of doing:
const firstEl = elements[0]
const secondEl = elements[1]
const thirdEl = elements[2]
const fourthEl = elements[3]
Use instead:
const [ firstEl, secondEl, thirdEl, fourthEl ] = elements
To access the n
member in the array (for example, the fourth):
const [ , , ,fourthEl]
(There should be a placeholder to keep their position in the array)
Use of destructuring in function arguments
Instead of:
function someName(obj) {
function someName({ name }) {
If we use destructuring and the argument isn't provided in the function call, that will throw an error. To avoid that, provide a default.
For example, an empty object will return undefined
but it won't throw an error.
function someName({ name } = {} ) {
// undefined <== but no error!
The same applies to arrays:
function someName([ firstEl ] = [] ) {
// undefined <== but no error!
Rest Operator
Given this object:
const person = {
name: "Andrew",
age: 16,
hobby: "hockey,
We can spread some keys into a new object:
const { age, ...newObj } = person
console.log(age, newObj)
// 16 { name: 'Andrew', hobby: 'hockey' }
It puts the "rest" inside a new object, so in this case we get the "rest" in a new object:
const { age, name, ...newObj } = person
// { hobby: 'hockey' }
The same applies for arrays:
const elements = [ "this", "is", "an", "array" ]
const [ firstEl, secondEl, ] = elements
console.log(firstEl, secondEl, rest)
// this is [ 'an', 'array' ]
We can use the rest operator in functions:
function someFunc(firstArg, ...restOfArgs) {
someFunc(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
// [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Spread Operator
Given this object:
const person = {
name: "Andrew",
age: 16,
hobby: "hockey,
If we want to create a new object, extendedPerson:
const extendedPerson = {
nickname: "Andy"
// { name: 'Andrew',
// age: 16,
// hobby: 'hockey',
// nickname: 'Andy' }
We can use the spread operator to overwrite one of the properties:
const extendedPerson = {
hobby: "New Hobby",
It can be used to merge
const person = {
name: "Andrew",
age: 16,
hobby: "hockey,
const extra = {
nickname: "Andy"
const extendedPerson = {
hobby: "New Hobby",
It functions similarly in arrays:
const arr1 = [ "some", "random", "words" ]
const arr2 = [ 16, 1, 4 ]
// It can be used to concatenate the two:
const arr3 = [...arr1, ...arr2]
// [ 'some', 'random', 'words', 16, 1, 4 ]
It can be used adding new values in between:
const arr3 = [ ...arr1, "something", "new", ...arr2 ]